Monday, October 22, 2007


--This week's Fun Monday is being hosted by WT, he wants to see some clothing art. That's tee shirts, baseball caps, hoodies, sports uniforms or any bit of clothing that you or your kids own that has interesting, funny or artistic graphics.--

so here are my families t-shirts...i think they are ssssssooooooo funny:

i love buying my hubby funny t-shirts...but he always turns them into work is one

here is another funny one...and is now a work shirt...he is not scary but i just could not resist buying this one..and it was on sale for a dollar---as a cheap skate i could not resist!

this one i got for my son...he may be only five but he has a great sense of humor...and he love the Napolian Dynamite move...if you have seen the will love this shirt.

i had two more shirts (I Make Up Stuff and one with HUGE picture of Mr. Clean--my hubby shaves his head) but i couldn't find them...he probably made them in to workshirts and just left them at work...but enjoy and check out everyone else...i will see around fun monday everyone!!!


Jenni said...

Hurray for cheap T-shirts! As a fellow tightwad, I can appreciate this post. I probably would have bought that shirt for dh even though he would not care for it, and, yes, I'd tell him to wear it for a work shirt. I'm sure I'd like the Mr. Clean shirt, too.

katy said...

lol, i love humour tee shirts, good clean humour great stuff

Sandy said...

Gotta love the cheap work shirts! Well, gonna run now and make me a quesadilla!

Great post.

Tiggerlane said...

I love the "scarier without the costume" shirt. And hooray for Napolean Dynamite! (My favorite scene is where he throws that army man on the string out of the bus window.)

Anonymous said...

I love funny shirts. And, I liked your Napolean Dynamite one!

ChrisB said...

These are fun.

Anonymous said...

I got a kick out of the movie Napolian Dynamite. My favorite scenes were anytime he danced LOL

Karina said...

Cute shirts, and you can't beat the one for $1!!! Nice!

Anonymous said...


willowtree said...

I love the Quesdilla one, come to think of it, I just love quesdillas!

Pamela said...

love the scarier t-shirt. Where can you buy t-shirts for a buck???

Anonymous said...

I love funny t-shirts. A few years ago, we were going to get a Veggie Tale T-shirt for my friend's husband. His name was Gord and the t-shirt said Gourd's Gym. She divorce him so we didn't get him the shirt. Our son used to shave his head, well I did it for him (it didn't end well when he did it himself)from the ages of 7 to 11. Then he grew it to his shoulders and when he had an old guy cut it like a girl cut, he got it cut in a Caesar cut and has had that way since. Hmm... back to your t-shirts. Nice selection of clothing art.

my4kids said...

Your shirts are cute!
I buy my husband funny shirts like that also. Everything is a work shirt as far as he is concerned.

Anonymous said...

My favorite? The Nap-Dyne one! The humor totally cracked me up, but not everyone gets it (not even in my family).

And $1 tee shirts? GET!OUT!! Heck yeah, I'd buy a tee just because of that AND LOVE IT!!

The way I see it, even if your hubby wears those funny tees just for work, they're still getting worn :).

laurie said...

thanks for your comments! ditto on the cheapo shirts. i once put a Bart Simpson shirt on my dog, but it made him unhappy....

my husband won't wear goofy shirts, either. but they work well as rags for washing the car.

i smiled at this post.

Peter said...

Hi Kerith, nice tees, thanks for the visit.

Believer in Balance said...

Those are so funny!

alisonwonderland said...

what funny shirts! they're great!

do the babies have any funny shirts? :o)

karisma said...

Bargain shopping is the only shopping I am into. Great buys!

Unknown said...

I love the "chicks dig santa"!

Anonymous said...

hard to resist the ones that make you laugh!

thefoodsnob said...

What, no Liger shirt? :)


Anonymous said...

I'm with Tiggerlane on Napoleon Dynamyte. I laughed so hard at the litle action figure on a string (practically the first scene) that I don't even think I saw much of the rest of the if you were going to give me one of your shirts as a present...I'd pick the Quesadillah.

Hayden said...

scarier without a costume is great! Love that...